我是谁?这个问题一直很重要。我们都一直试图以某种方式找到我们的个人身份。"个人身份"一词对不同的人来说意味着不同的东西。自我哲学是对身份的许多条件的研究,这些条件将一个经验的主题与其他经验区分开来。作为一个艺术家,您是如何探索自己的?您用什么颜色、形状或语言在您的作品中代表您自己? 如果您想告诉世界您是谁,为什么,以及如何,那么我们欢迎您。------寿天
策展人:寿天(印度)、Koe Freya(韩国)、Mario Fois Carta(意大利)
艺术顾问:吴少清、徐明瑜、吴强、Antonio Zegarra、Alexis Caballero
协办:国际新艺术家联盟、中国新当代艺术联盟、国际书象学社、中国新意象绘画、青岛书画刻字艺术家协会 、飞顶画廊(意大利)
3、投稿时间:即日起至2022年3月 15日
5、投稿要求:三幅系列性作品高清图片(不含白边和边框且无水印,图片在3M左右), 作品图片对应信息(姓名、作品名称、尺寸、材质、年代。例:杨振洋、女人像、50X60CM、油画、2020),个人近期肖像照一到两张(图片在3M左右),100字以内个人艺术简历,微信号、手机号。
3、展出平台:百度、搜狐、网易、凤凰、一点资讯、今日头条、艺术头条、UC头条、360图书、微博、2000+微信群、WhatsApp ,behance,Blogspot,Instagram,Facebook,Twitter等众多媒体转发。
Submission:The 10th Crazy Art Commune International New Contemporary Art Online exhibition.
Who am I? This question has always been important. We all keep trying to find our personal identity in some way or the other. The term "personal identity" means different things to different people. Philosophy of the Self is the study of the many conditions of identity that differentiate the subject of one experience from other experiences. How are you exploring yourself as an artist? What color, shape, or language do you use to represent yourself in your artwork? If you want to tell the world who, why, and how you are, then we welcome you.------Shou Tian
1、Curatorial Team
Curators: Shou Tian (India) , Koe Freya (Korea) , Mario Fois Carta (Italy) ,
academic moderator: Yang Zhenyang,
Artistic Director: Xiong Yiwei,
art Consultants: Wu Shaoqing, Xu Mingyu, Wu Qiang, Antonio Zegarra、Alexis Caballero
Art Committee members: Xuanming, Gu Chunyan, Li Rufeng, Zhu Yujin, Lin Xizi, Yao Lishuang, Niu Tianqi, Huang Lei, Fang Jiahui, Du Ping, Yang Ling, Su Zhongfei, Luo Feng 、 Yuan Chunming
Organizer: Crazy Art Commune (CAC)
Contemporary Art Union, International Society of Book and Image, China new image painting, Qingdao Calligraphy and Engraving Artists Association,Fly Top Art Gallery(Italy) .
2、Submission Guidelines
1. Who can join: artists and art lovers from all over the world who have reached the age of 18, regardless of gender or nationality, can apply their artworks with a spirit of innovation and artistic standards.
2. Types of submission: Oil Painting, Acrylic, watercolor, drawing, ink, mixed materials, sculpture, digital painting, experimental art, etc.
3. Submission time: From now unitl 15th March 2022
4.Submission Email:dhaneshwar005@yahoo.co.in
5. Requirements: Three high-definition pictures of your artworks (no white edge or border or watermark, pictures should be around 3M), works of corresponding information (your name, artwork name, size, material, year. Example: Yang Zhenyang, Woman figure ,50X60cm, oil painting, 2020 ) , one personal portrait photo (around 3M) , less than 100 words resume with office word file,Please leave your wechat and phone number.
6. Pay Attention :Please note:Name The 10th Crazy Art Commune of international new contemporary art.Uniform compression of works sent to the mailbox,Please submit your submission as required. If you do not meet the requirements, the organizer reserves the right to reject your submission.
3、Exhibition Details
1. Exhibition time: 20th March 2022
2. Exhibition Form: Online Exhibition (artist works will be displayed in both picture and video),Each artist exhibits two artworks
3. Exhibition Platform: Baidu, Sohu, Netease, Phoenix, a bit of information, Toutiao, art headlines, headlines, 360 Books,Weibo,2000+wechat group, WhatsApp ,behance,
Blogspot,Instagram,Facebook,Twitter and many other medias.
4. Exhibition fee: The selected artist shall pay 120 yuan per person for the expenses of exhibition planning, soliciting submission, works auditing, data editing 、publishing、Certificate making, and other related work.
5. Method of inclusion: And Assessment and selection,Curators add selected artists to Wechat and pay.
4、What you can get
1. The selected artists will be invited to the Crazy Art Commune artist wechat group
2. Each artist will be awarded an exhibition certificate (electronic version).
3. The exhibition selected 15 outstanding artists and awarded certificates (electronic version) .
4. Participating artists will be recommended to online auction platforms for contemporary art.5. The award-winning artists will have the opportunity to sign contracts with third-party art institutions.6. Participating artists can connect with NFT China digital art development plan. 7. The works of the participating artists will be printed by the Fly Top Gallery (Italy) and displayed online . 8. The works of the participating artists will be permanently displayed on Baidu and major international media websites.9.Participating artists will have the opportunity to participate in the art derivative project.
5、the record
1. The information provided by the artist must be authentic; the works must be original by the artist.
2、The artist must guarantee that the copyright belongs to him/her and that the organizer has the right to publish and sell all the exhibits. All legal consequences arising from the materials and works submit ted shall be borne by the artist alone.
3、 The right to interpret the event belongs to the organizer.
We welcome the collection agencies, art institutions and medias to have long-term cooperation
Wechat,Teacher Shoutian: D9213714090, Teacher Xiong: Yiwei270497691,
Shaoqing Peter Wu well-known artist, born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, ancestral home in Yueqing, now living in Shanghai and Wenzhou. (AICA) director of the International Federation of Contemporary Artists and member of the China Artists Association. He studied at the China Academy of Art and was awarded the North American Association of Asian Artists Distinguished Artist Award. In recent years, he has participated in many domestic and international exhibitions, and his works have been widely collected by the Asian Culture Institute of the United States and abroad. Among them, two contemporary abstract oil paintings have been specially recognized by the Asian Culture Preservation Commission of the United States as a record of today for the future project and are in the Asian Library of the United States Library of Congress.
徐明瑜,男,山东青岛人,现居北京,高级工艺美术师,毕业于中央工艺美术学院(清华美院)、中国国家画院、国际书象学社。现为国际书象学社艺术家,中国工业设计协会会员,中国书画研究院研究员,中国艺术平台会员、国际抽象艺术家联盟副秘书长,【疯狂交流会】新当代艺术委员会艺术顾问,山东省美协、书协会员,青岛市书画刻字艺术家协会副主席。 Xu Mingyu, male, Qingdao, Shandong, now living in Beijing, senior arts and crafts artist, Graduated from at the applied arts (Tsinghua Fine Arts College) , the China National Academy of Painting, the International Society of calligraphy and Xiangxue. He is currently an artist of the international society of Graphic Arts, a member of the China Industrial Design Association, a research fellow of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, a member of the China Art Platform and deputy secretary-general of the International Union of abstract artists, art Consultant of the New Contemporary Art Committee, member of Shandong Art Association and Calligraphy Association, Vice Chairman of Qingdao Calligraphy and Lettering Artists Association.
吴强,中国新意象艺术群学术主持,清华大学吴冠中艺术研究中心研究员,国家一级美术师,1959年出生于陕西宝鸡,1983年毕业于中央工艺美术学院(清华大学美术学院)装潢系。曾被中央美术学院、徐悲鸿艺术学院聘为客座教授,作品在海内外多次参加交流展览 并被收藏,多家媒体报道、宣传、出版、获奖。Wu Qiang, academic director of Chinese New Image Art Group, Research Fellow of Tsinghua University’s Wu Guanzhong Art Research Center, National first-class artist, was born in Baoji, Shaanxi Province in 1959, in 1983, he graduated from the Decoration Department of Applied Arts (Fine Arts College of Tsinghua University) . He has been employed as a visiting professor by China Central Academy of Fine Arts and Xu Beihong, and his works have participated in many exchange exhibitions at home and abroad, and have been collected by many media.
Antonio Zegarra毕业于墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉自治大学。后来,在秘鲁利马的"图卢兹劳特累克"学院学习平面设计,获硕士学位。举办了5个个展和30多个集体展览,目前是玛格丽塔基金会的副总裁,该基金会支持秘鲁的裂痕儿童和新兴的秘鲁艺术家。在世卫组织和Smiletrain的支持下,它一直是出版物"Art Impact 4 Health Peru"的一部分。
Antonio Zegarra estudió medicina en la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, México. Posteriormente estudió Diseño Gráfico en el Instituto “Toulouse Lautrec” de Lima-Perú, donde también obtiene un Master en Web & Multimedia. Ha realizado 5 exposiciones individuales y más de 30 colectivas Actualmente es Vicepresidente de Fundación Margarita que apoya al niño fisurado del Perú y a los nuevos artistas peruanos emergentes. Y ha sido parte de la publicación “Art Impact 4 Health Perú” con el apoyo de OMS y Smiletrain.
亚历克西斯卡巴列罗( CAMA ),墨西哥艺术家,曾多次参加墨西哥、哥斯达黎加、意大利、美国、西班牙、法国、中国、俄罗斯、厄瓜多尔、巴西等国的绘画、版画、国家及国际雕塑展。作品曾在墨西哥不同城市的杂志和报纸上发表。
Alexis Caballero (CAMA) is a Mexican artist, multidisciplinary and self-taught. With studies in architecture and psychology. In his work he performs an expressionist-figurative style. He has participated in multiple exhibitions in painting, engraving and national and international sculpture in Mexico, Costa Rica, Italy, USA, Spain, France, China, Russia, Ecuador and Brazil. And it has been published in magazines and newspapers in different cities of Mexico.
寿天是中国著名的国家级获奖艺术家,武汉理工大学艺术与设计学院博士研究生。他的研究考察了亚洲当代艺术的不同文化问题。他在杭州中国美术学院完成了两年的“新媒体艺术与中国传统水墨艺术”的高级研究。作为一门基础艺术教育,包括艺术学士学位和绘画艺术硕士学位,由印度新德里艺术学院完成。这位艺术家已经获得了几个国内外著名的奖项,奖学金和居留权。Dhaneshwar Shah is a prominent National awarded artist and doctoral candidate in the School of Art & Design at Wuhan University of Technology, China. His research examines different cultural issues in Asian contemporary art. He has successfully completed two years of advanced research in "New Media Art and Chinese Traditional Ink Art" from the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou. As a primery art education, including a BFA and an MFA in painting, accomplished by the College of Art, New Delhi, India. The artist has been honoured with several prestigious national and international awards, fellowships, and residency.
Koe Freya是韩国画家,教授,策展人。她担任大型艺术展策划、策展人和美术总监,培养了韩国美术市场,她在环保运动方面处于领先地位。垃圾村的孩子们也在帮助,通过韩国的画家和很多服务,在环保运动中走在了前面。从去年开始,她一直在传达地球画家们想要青鸟的短信。她今年在亚洲进行了许多活动,并被选为企业代表最想工作的策展人。Koe Freya,She is a painter from Korea, educator, and curator from Korea. She expanded the Korean art industry by organising a huge art expo, serving as a curator, and serving as an art director. She is also the leader of the environmental movement. Children in the garbage village are also contributing, and they are leading environmental campaigns through voluntary labour.
马里奥1971年出生在努奥罗,在那里生活和工作。自从80年代末开始,围绕喷雾艺术和街头文化运作。经过几年的紧张活动,在没有脱离第一次表达的艺术精神的情况下,马里奥开始运用传统的帆布绘画技法,尤其注重美国抽象表现主义的色彩运用。九十年代中期,他是「 kentu contas kentu berritas 」的创办人之一,这项艺术运动以最大限度的个人自由和紧张的展览活动为拥有属性。他曾多次参加「曼诺罗博物馆」的艺术集体及个人展览,其作品亦为墨西哥、中国等国家的公共及私人收藏。
Mario Fois Carta was born in Nuoro in 1971, where he lived and worked. Since the late’80s, it’s been working around spray art and street culture. After several years of intense activity, and without losing touch with the artistic spirit of its first expression, fois began to use traditional canvas painting techniques, with particular emphasis on the use of color in the abstract expressionism. In the mid-1990s, fois was one of the founders of the “Kentu Berritas”, an art movement characterized by maximum individual freedom and intense exhibition activities.He has participated in many art collective and individual exhibitions at the Manolo Museum. His works have also been collected by public and private collections in Mexico, China and other countries.
杨振洋1980年生于贵州省黄平县。知名艺术家,评论家。《疯狂交流会》的创始人及总设计师。作品涉及绘画、装置、行为、诗歌等领域。他是80后新生代艺术代表人物之一,信仰儒、道和中华传统文化,他的个人魅力更多来自于他坚定的艺术信念和一针见血的艺术批评。Yang Zhenyang was born in Huangping County, Guizhou Province in 1980. Well-known artist, critic. The founder and chief designer of “Crazy Art Commune”. Works involved in painting, installation, behavior, poetry and other fields.He is one of the representatives of the post-80s new generation of art. He believes in Confucianism, Taoism and traditional Chinese culture.
熊艺为,独立艺术家,策展人。1990年生于湖北监利,2013年毕业于中南民族大学美术学专业,【疯狂交流会】艺术总监,中国新当代艺术的践行者,参加过数十次线上线下展览活动并获奖,多次策划国际线上展,中国抽象艺术联盟会员,新骑士国际艺术联盟会员,中华文化促进会公共艺术委员会会员,致力于探索研究中国文化元素与抽象艺术的内在联系,打破固有的艺术思维。 Xiong Yiwei was born in Jianli, Hubei Province in 1990 and graduated from South Central University for Nationalities in 2013. Independent artist, curator. Art Director of Crazy Art Commune, a practitioner of China’s new contemporary art, has participated in dozens of online and offline exhibitions and won prizes. He has curated many international online exhibitions. He is a member of the China Abstract Art Union and the New Knight International Art Union, member of the Public Art Committee of the Chinese Culture Promotion Association. To explore and study the elements of Chinese culture and the internal relationship of abstract art, break the inherent artistic thinking.
