2025德国设计奖German Design Award开启报名
德国设计奖在当今国际设计实践中是领跑者,在全球化经济中保持着竞争力。该奖项仅授予那些在德国和国际设计领域具有开创性意义的项目。由来自企业、高校和设计界代表组成的国际专家评审团评选出不同的奖项级别,分别是“优胜奖Winner”和“金奖Gold”。此外还授予两个特殊类别奖:“新人奖Newcomer”和“年度最佳设计师Personality of the Year”。
The German Design Award is a frontrunner in today's international design practice and remains competitive in a globalized economy.The award is only given to projects that are groundbreaking in the field of German and international design.A high-calibre international jury will decide on the"Gold"and"Winner"awards.The special"Newcomer"and"Personality of the Year"awards will be presented as well.
德国设计奖颁奖典礼在法兰克福会展中心Kap Europa举行。这项高水准的活动每年吸引约1600名国际嘉宾,包括获奖者以及来自设计界、新闻界、文化界和商界的受邀嘉宾,大家借此机会交流思想。
The award show of the German Design Awards takes place at Kap Europa,Messe Frankfurt‘s congress center.The high-caliber event attracts around 1,600 international guests every year,including the winners as well as invited guests from the design scene,press,culture and business,who use the opportunity to ex-change ideas.
本次德国设计奖在卓越建筑设计类别中新增“人工智能辅助建筑设计和元宇宙建筑设计”类别,您可在以下子类别中选择参赛:建筑的数字手段和虚拟现实Digital and virtual dimension of architecture、物联网智能建筑系统IoT smart building systems、人工智能辅助规划工具AI-supported planning tools、VR/AR空间设计VR/AR space design、元宇宙空间设计metaverse space design、虚拟建筑fictitious architectures、其他
The award has added a new category"AI in Architecture and Metaverse Space Design"to the Excellence Architectural category,in which you can choose from the following subcategories:Digital and virtual dimension of architecture,IoT smart building systems,AI-supported planning tools,VR/AR space design,metaverse space design,fictitious architectures,etc.
2024年德国颁奖典礼集锦Award Ceremony
2024年4月23日:召集参赛作品,2025年报名开始Call for Entries
2024年6月21日:早鸟报名截止Deadline for early bird rate
2024年8月30日:实物样品寄送上海收货截止Deadline for delivery to Shanghai
2024年9月13日:报名截止Deadline for online registrations
2024年9月26日-27日:评审会Jury meeting
2025年2月6日:在德国法兰克福举行颁奖典礼Award Ceremony
获奖Online Gallery:https://www.german-design-award.com/en/the-winners/gallery.html