「SlowArt Productions」超现实幻象国际比赛
超现实视觉:SlowArt Productions将于2024年9月5日至28日在利姆纳画廊举办主题展览“超现实视觉”,并邀请来自所有媒体的国内外艺术家参加。
SlowArt Productions将于2024年9月5日至28日在举办主题展览“超现实视觉”。该展览向所有对“超现实愿景”概念的解释开放其中包括所有形式的超现实、幻想和幻想的形象艺术。对“超现实愿景”主题的所有解释都将受到审查和考虑。所有形式的绘画、素描、雕塑、摄影、图形、数字和装置艺术、视频等都有资格。壁挂式作品高度不得超过72英寸,宽度不得超过120英寸。雕塑作品
SlowArt Productions presents the thematic exhibition:Surreal Visions.The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery from September 5-28,2024.This exhibition is open to all interpretations of the concept,Surreal Visions.Included are all forms of surreal,visionary and fantastical figurative art.All interpretations of the theme"Surreal Visions"will be reviewed and considered.
ELIGIBILITY AND RESTRICTIONS:The exhibition is open to all artists,national and international,working in all media.All forms of painting,drawing,sculpture,photography,graphics,digital and installation art,video,etc.are eligible.Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to apply.Wall mounted works must not be taller than 72"no wider than 120".
Sculptural work must fit through a 36"wide entry door.
EXHIBITION:Selected artists will be featured in a group exhibition at the Limner Gallery,September 5-28,2024.The exhibition will also be displayed on the Limner Gallery web site and promoted on social media.
EXHIBITION TERMS:Artwork in the show may be exhibited for sale or not for sale.The gallery will take a 35 percent commission on all sales.Sale price is determined by the artist.
ENTRY FEES:There is a$35.00 entry fee for one to four artworks entered,presentation is by digital JPG image files.There is a$5.00 fee for each additional artwork above four.Details of 2D artwork count as an additional artwork.Sculptors may provide one additional view per artwork without cost.Artists accepted to exhibit will not be charged additional fees of any kind.Entry fee payments by credit or debit card at the time of entry using PayPal.Artists unable to pay by card may mail a check or money order payable to SlowArt Productions.
IMAGE USE/COPYRIGHTS:Artist retains all copyrights to submitted images and represented artwork.Digital images submitted with artist entry are for exhibition selection only and will be deleted after completion of the selection process.By entering the competition,artists selected to exhibit grant Limner Gallery rights to use the selected image(s)on printed materials and the gallery web site for promotional purposes only.Limner Gallery and/or SlowArt retain no copyrights to artists work.
NOTIFICATION:Artists will be notified of selection or non-acceptance no later than July 31,2024.Notification will by by posting the results on or before this date at:http://www.slowart.com/results Notification will also be made via email,however,due to spam and email unreliability,the results web page posting is the official confirmation.
PRIVACY POLICY:Artist contact information(address,telephone)is only held for the purpose of contacting selected artists and is not preserved in any database.Entry emails are deleted on the completion of the jury process.Artists have the option to join or decline joining the gallery mailing list at time of notification.
DEADLINE:The entry deadline is June 30,2024.Entries must be submitted via email or postmarked by this date.
Email Entry:All entries are via email with individual images attached(do not submit ZIP files).Attached image files must be in JPG(or JPEG)format.Emailed images should not be larger than 2500 pixels(approx.)on the longest side.If preferred,instead of attachments images can be posted to a personal web page or Google images page and the link provided to that page.Images posted to a web page should not be download restricted.
Video Entries:Artists working with video may apply by providing a link to the video posted on Vimeo,YouTube or any online video viewing platform.If selected to exhibit,the artist must supply the display equipment.