Solicitation of International Plans for the Conceptual Architectural Design of Chongqing Hospital of Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
❑ 项目背景 Background
为重庆两江新区积极融入和服务成渝地区双城经济圈建设,紧扣建设高质量发展引领区、高品质生活示范区“两高两区”目标,加快医疗卫生供给侧结构性改革,引导优质医疗资源扩容和深度下沉,满足人民群众就近公平享有高水平医疗服务迫切需求。Following the decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the requirements of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and its Government, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area is engaging itself into the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle for the implementation of instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping. Liangjiang New Area is fixing its eyes on the goals of building itself into the two pilot areas featuring high-quality development and life. Besides, Liangjiang New Area is accelerating supply side reform of the health field for the expansion of high-quality medical resources to which most people can get access. Therefore, we can meet people’s urgent needs of equitable access to high-level medical services within a short distance. 重庆市国民经济和社会发展“十四五”规划中明确提出要“加快建设国家医学中心,建设儿科、口腔、心血管、呼吸、骨科、肿瘤等国家区域医疗中心,建成一批高水平研究型医院、知名专科,培养一批医德高尚的高水平卫生人才队伍。” 重庆两江新区管理委员会决定与华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院合作,共建华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院重庆医院简称“武汉协和重庆医院”,同时申报并建设国家区域医疗中心。It is clearly stated that, in the "14th Five-Year Plan" for national economic and social development of Chongqing, we shall accelerate the construction of national and regional medical centers concerning pediatrics, stomatology, cardiovascular, respiratory, orthopedics, and oncology, and of high-level research-based comprehensive hospitals or those which are well-known in specific field. It is also clearly proposed that it is a need to cultivate high-level health teams with noble medical ethics. Therefore, Liangjiang New Area Management Committee has carried out the cooperation with Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology for the birth of Union Chongqing Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (referred to as "Wuhan Union Chongqing Hospital"). The new hospital will be applied to be a regional medical center.为提高设计质量,特面向全球征集华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院重庆医院项目概念性建筑方案,本次活动旨在征集面向未来的医院设计方案,以健康为中心,将武汉协和重庆医院打造为“国际化、智慧化、现代化”的国家级区域医疗中心。We are soliciting the International Plans for better design quality. The expected Architectural Design shall work for a future hospital with health as the focus. With the aid of such a design, Chongqing Hospital of Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology can be built into a smart and modern regional medical center at the international level.
❑ 项目概况 Profile
Located in the Longsheng area of Liangjiang New Area, the project has Liangjiang Avenue to its east, Longxing North Road to its west, Hengwu Road to its south, and Pufu Avenue to its north. It also enjoys well-organized transportation organization including Phase 2 of rail transit Line 4 (It will work in May 2022) to its east, and Gaoshita Station and Longxing Station to its north and its south. Besides, it is surrounded by high-quality living, residential and other areas such as a professional football field with 60,000 seats to its south (Chongqing football base and Football match center). This project is also adjacent to many infrastructures such as Longfor Paradise Walk (shopping mall), Red Star Macalline International Home Furniture Mall, Liangjiang International College of Chongqing University of Technology, Longxing Campus of Chongqing No. 8 Middle School, Longxing Ancient Town ( a national historical and cultural town). The Longsheng area is home to Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone, Liangjiang Longxing Football Sports Town, Orchard Port, and International Automobile Town.
▲ 项目区位图The location of the project
▲ 项目示意图Planning scope
The C10-1 plot (where the hospital lies), will cover an area of 13.99 hectares. The hospital is going to be equipped with 1,500 beds and its total construction area is about 356,200 square meters (subject to the administrative approval of the planning department) including above-ground construction area of about 210,400 square meters, and underground construction area of about 145,800 square meters. The hospital contains medical functions such as emergency department, outpatient department, medical technology department, inpatient department, and infectious disease department, as well as non-medical ones such as scientific research, teaching, administration, and logistics.
While the space for existing planned municipal service roads are reserved, C8-1, C8-2, C9-1, C9-2 on the left side of the base will be included in the research scope. As for the second phase of the pre-control project, the demand number of the bed will be 1,500. It is necessary to retain the existing planned municipal roads.
▲设计范围图Planning scope
❑ 工作组织 Organization
主办单位:重庆两江新区管理委员会Host: The Management Committee of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area 承办单位:重庆两江新区开发投资集团有限公司Organizer: Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Development and Investment Group Co., Ltd.承办单位/签约主体:重庆两江新区龙兴工业园建设投资有限公司Organizer/Contracting Body: Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Longxing Industrial Park Construction Investment Co., Ltd.组织机构:重庆市规划设计研究院Organization Unit: Chongqing Planning and Design Institute 重庆市规划设计研究院作为组织机构,其经承办单位确认发出的相关函件具有与其同等效力。Chongqing Planning and Design Institute, relevant letters sent by them and confirmed by the organizer have the same effects as those from the organizer itself.
❑ 设计内容 Design Content
征集阶段:对一、二期项目进行统筹研究,进行总体规划,对一期C10-1地块进行概念性建筑方案设计,包括但不限于交通流线组织、建筑设计、医疗工艺流程等内容。Solicitation stage: the overall research and planning on the first and second phases of the project will be carried out for the production of Conceptual Architectural Design of Wuhan Union Chongqing Hospital. The design includes but not limited to traffic flow organization, architectural design, and medical process.深化阶段:中选单位将负责完成一期,二期的整体布局和一期建筑方案深化设计,深化至全专业初步设计深度,及后续其他需配合的工作。包括主体建筑部分、幕墙、标识、照明、室内、景观、BIM、绿建、海绵城市、弱电(智能化)、人防(如需)、厨房顾问(如需)、装配式(如需)、钢结构、医疗专项工艺设计、信息化平台设计、估算、概算等。Deepening stage: The winner will take charge of the he overall layout of the first and second phases and the deepening design (the design result at such a stage can be regarded as the preliminary design concerning all fields) and subsequent work. Specifically, the design and subsequent work is relevant to main buildings, curtain wall, signage, lighting, interior decoration, landscape, BIM, green buildings, sponge city, intelligent weak electricity, civil air defense (if required), kitchen consultant (if required), prefabrication (if required), steel Structure, Medical process design, Information platform design, estimation, and budget estimates.
❑ 申请人资格 Qualification of applicants
(一)申请人须为独立法人,法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人、母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,视为同一申请人,不可同时报名。申请人须具备如下资格条件之一:5.1 The applicant must be an independent legal person; two or more legal persons, parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries and their holding companies whose legal representatives are the same person shall be regarded as the same applicant. Therefore, only one of the above mentioned can apply for the Conceptual Architectural Design; also applicants must meet one of the following demands: 1、申请人为国内机构的,须具有工程设计综合甲级资质或工程设计建筑行业甲级资质或工程设计建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级资质。5.1.1 The applicant, if it is a domestic institution, must have a comprehensive Grade A qualification in engineering design or a Grade A qualification in the engineering design and construction industry or a Grade A qualification in the engineering design and construction industry (or construction engineering). 2、申请人为境外机构的,须在其所在国家或地区具有合法注册营业执照和相应设计许可,应在中国境内设有分支机构,且应联合国内具备上述资格之一的设计机构参与本次设计,并以国内设计机构为联合体牵头方。5.1.2 The applicant, if it is a foreign institution, must have a legally registered business license and corresponding design license in the country or region where it is located. At the same time it must operate a branch in China, and form a consortium with a domestic design institution which enjoys one of the above qualifications. The domestic design institution shall serve as the lead party of the consortium. (二)本项目鼓励联合报名,须具备如下条件:5.2 Consortia are encouraged for registration, when they meet the following requirements: 1、联合体成员不超过3家,至少一方应符合以上第一条资格条件,任一方不得为个人。5.2.1 A consortium can contain no more than 3 members, at least one of which shall meet the above-mentioned requirements in 5.1, and any member must not be an individual person. 2、联合体各成员单位应共同签署一份联合体协议书,并明确牵头单位、各方职责分工及权益比例。5.2.2 Each member of the consortium shall sign a same consortium agreement, which will specify the following information including the leading unit, the division of responsibilities and proportion of rights and interests.
5.2.3 Each member of the consortium shall not apply for Pre-qualification in its own name, nor shall it join another consortium for the application the same time.(三)设计团队要求: 5.3 Requirements for the design team: 1、参与本次活动的设计人员应为设计机构在册人员,主创建筑师由主持过多个大型医院项目的建筑师担任,且须直接参与设计全过程。5.3.1 The designers for this project should be registered ones of some design agency whose the chief architect has a history of presiding over several large-scale hospital projects, and must participate in the entire design process of our project in person. 2、团队应包含建筑、规划、景观、交通、医疗工艺流程等专业人员。建筑团队需满足全专业初步设计要求,包含但不限于结构、暖通、给排水、机电、造价、人防、BIM等专业。5.3.2 The team should include professionals in architecture, planning, landscape, transportation, and medical process, and the construction team should meet the preliminary design requirements of all fields. They include but not limited to the following aspects such as structure, HVAC, water supply and drainage, Electromechanical system, cost, civil air defense, and BIM. 3、申请人团队主创建筑师业绩需包含2015年1月1日(合同签订日期)以后设计的至少1个1000床以上综合医院业绩。5.3.3 The chief architect of the applicant team must have at least one design example of a comprehensive hospital with more than 1,000 beds. The hospital must be designed after January 1, 2015 (the date of signing the contract). 4、在设计过程中若主创建筑师与资格预审材料所提交的信息不符,视为无效签约。5.3.4 The contract will be deemed invalid when the information during the design is not compatible with those submitted by the chief architect for the prequalification materials.
❑ 征集流程 Solicitation Process
Open to the public, Solicitation includes four stages such as Registration, Pre-qualification, Preparation & Review, and Deepening.
第一阶段公开报名。采用公开报名的方式,在中国招标网、两江新区管委会官网、两江集团官网、武汉协和医院官网、公众号(两江龙兴公司、山策Design Center、筑医台、医匠仁)同步发布征集公告,报名内容包含报名表、主创建筑师主持项目业绩、团队构成、概念提案(自愿原则)等。
Registration ( the first stage): registration is open to the public and announcement of the solicitation will be released on the following websites including http://www.bidchance.com, http://www.liangjiang.gov.cn, http://ljt.liangjiang.gov.cn, http://www.whuh.com and on the official accounts of Liangjiang Longxing Company and Shance Design Center and ZHUYITAI and YIJIANGREN at the same time. The registration content includes the registration form, the project history of the chief architect, team members, and concept proposal (voluntary).
Pre-qualification (the second stage): The committee for pre-qualification will evaluate in terms of the qualifications of the design agency, the performance of the main architect, the design team for the project, and the concept proposal (does not affect the evaluation result) before screening five finalists and three candidates from the design agencies (consortium) according to the vote ranking. The evaluation ranking result in the first round will not work for the five finalists, but work for the three candidates in the following process. If one of the the five finalists quits, the candidate should make up for the vacancy in sequence.
Preparation & Review (the third stage): The finalists are required to carry out conceptual design and submit business quotations (ratio of float downward) in accordance with the requirements of Solicitation of International Plans for the Conceptual Architectural Design of Chongqing Hospital of Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The review committee will select three from the five finalists for the final decision by Liangjiang New Area. Then the final winner will stand out.
Deepening (the fourth stage):The final winner will sign a contract to take charge of the deepening design (the design result can be regarded as the preliminary design) in terms of the construction drawings of the earthwork flat and foundation pit engineering, architectural scheme, preliminary plan, project estimate and corresponding work for approval. And it will also take charge of the review of the design results at the construction drawing stage and of the management in the building appearance, function and cost at the construction stage.
❑ 时间安排 Schedule
Note: The schedule above is based on Beijing time. Given the covid-19 pandemic, the organizer will not organize group survey. Instead, you can arrange the site survey by yourself and the organizer can make adjustments to the specific date and meeting form of each stage. If any change, we will inform you in time.
❑ 报名方式 Registration
(一)报名资料8.1 Application materials报名资料包括报名表、商业登记/营业执照、资质证书、法定代表人授权委托书、联合体协议书(如有)、主创建筑师主持项目业绩介绍(要求详见下节)、团队人员构成安排表、概念提案(自愿原则)及其他有帮助的资料(如获奖证明及荣誉等)等文件。Application materials include application form, business registration/business license, qualification certificate, power of attorney for legal representative, consortium agreement (if any), the project history of the chief architect (next section for details) , team members, concept proposal (voluntary) and others (such as award certificate and honors) .
The hospital project history of the chief architect should be presented by three to five materials (including at least one design example of a comprehensive hospital with more than 1,000 beds). The materials should include the following aspects such as name, location, and scale of the projects, design content, main designers , the project completion time ( projects in progress can be marked as “in progress”), project pictures (planning design drawings or real photos) and relevant supporting materials (key pages of the contract, notice of winning the bid). The organizer has the right to disqualify the candidate or terminate the contract at any time if the above mentioned information is fake. The project history materials should be organized in a separate manner and can be bound together with the application ones.
It is necessary to provide the resumes of the main members of the design team (form), project performance (form with project names), and the in-service certifications of all the team members.
(二)资料提交8.2 Material submission 递交资格预审报名文件截止时间为2022年4月27日15时00分,设计机构需提交附件1-4资料及业绩资料的纸质版(正本1份,副本7份)及所有电子版报名材料(内容应完全一致),其中正本须加盖设计机构(联合体)各成员公章(鲜章或电子章),副本可为正本复印件。The deadline for the submission is 15:00 on April 27, 2022. Design agencies need to submit the hard copies of Annexes 1-4 and project history documents (1 original, 7 copies) and all electronic application materials (exactly the same content). The originals must be stamped with the official seals (electronic seals can work as well) of the members of the design agency (consortium), while the copies can be photocopies of the originals. 纸质版报名材料封面标注设计机构全称和“华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院重庆医院建设项目概念性建筑方案设计国际征集报名资料”,寄送地址:重庆市规划测绘创新基地3号楼。The cover of the paper version of the application materials shall be marked the full name of the design agency and “application materials for Solicitation of International Plans for the Conceptual Architectural Design of Chongqing Hospital of Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology”. Mailing address: Building 3, Innovation Base of Chongqing Planning, Surveying and Mapping. 电子版报名材料应采用PDF或WORD等可编辑的文件格式,压缩打包后发送至404963398@qq.com邮箱,邮件主题以“设计机构全称——华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院重庆医院建设项目概念性建筑方案设计国际征集”命名。The electronic version of the application materials should be in an editable file format such as PDF or WORD. The file should be sent to 404963398@qq.com after being compressed and packaged. The subject of the e-mail should be entitled as "Full Name of Design Agency - Solicitation of International Plans for the Conceptual Architectural Design of Chongqing Hospital of Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology ". 概念提案文本为A3横版、图文排版设计文本,单面彩色打印不超过5页(不含封面封底)。同时提交纸质文件和“PDF或PPT”格式电子文件。该项为非必要项,不影响资格预审结果。The text of the concept proposal shall be in A3 horizontal layout; graphic layout design text, and the single-sided color printing shall not exceed 5 pages (excluding the front and back covers); Submit both paper documents and electronic ones in "PDF or PPT" format. The concept proposal is non-essential and has nothing to do with the result. 内容建议:Advice:(1)总结国内先进医院设计理念,梳理项目关键性议题,提出本次医院设计理念及构思; 8.2.1 Summarize the design concepts of domestic advanced hospitals and the key issues of the project, and put forward the design concepts for this hospital; (2)分析解读场地特点; 8.2.2 Analyze the characteristics of the site.(3)总体规划总平面图及主要功能布局(可手绘); 8.2.3 The overall plan and the main functional layout (can be drawn by hand);(4)主要建筑概念效果图(不要求商业渲染,可手绘);8.2.4 The main architectural concept renderings (not for promotion; can be drawn by hand); (5)其他认为能表达提案特点的内容。 8.2.5 Others which are deemed to express the characteristics of the proposal;逾期送达或者未送达指定地点的资格预审报名文件,主办方将不予受理。The organizer will not accept the registration documents that are delivered overdue or that are not delivered to the designated location.
❑ 设计费用 Cost
入围5家设计机构(联合体)提交的设计成果(至少应包含:方案文本、展示图板、多媒体演示文件(含动画1分钟)、电子光盘)。应满足设计任务书要求,经评审委员会评审为有效成果的,将获得相应的设计费或设计补偿费。Design results submitted by the 5 finalists must include proposal text, display board, multimedia presentation files (including animation for 1 minute), electronic CD-ROM. They should meet the requirements of the design document, and will receive the corresponding design fee or design compensation fee after their designs are evaluated as an effective by the review committee. 入围设计机构根据各自方案,对标国内同等条件三甲医院的经济性指标,进行本项目工程概算,最终中选设计机构设计费及基坑工程设计按照概算批复审定的工程费,参照《工程勘察设计收费管理规定》(2002年修订版)及设计机构商务报价(下浮率)执行。本项目总设计收费工程复杂程度调整系数为复杂(Ⅲ级)1.15,方案设计及初步设计深度设计费取项目总设计费用的50%;基坑工程费用根据复杂程度,按照岩土工程设计按对应收费基价执行。The finalists will make an estimate for the project based on the economic indicators of the domestic 3A hospitals with the same conditions. How much the design cost is and how much the engineering cost of the foundation pit engineering design (the later cost will be reviewed and approved based on the estimate) depend on "Regulations on the Management of Engineering Survey and Design Charges" (revised in 2002) and business quotation ( ratio of float downward) by the design agency. The engineering complexity adjustment coefficient of the total design fee is complex (level III) 1.15; 50% of the total project design fee is for the plan design and preliminary design degree; how much the foundation pit engineering fee depend on the complexity level and the base price charge of geotechnical engineering design. 优胜但未中选的2家设计机构(联合体)设计补偿费各100万(含税),其余入围的2家设计机构(联合体)设计补偿费各60万元(含税)。Among the five finalists, those whose ranking is at the second or the third will receive a design compensation fees worth of 1 million yuan (tax included), and those at the fourth or the fifth will receive 600,000 yuan (tax included).
❑ 联系方式 Contact
联 系 人:杨先生、秦女士
Contact person: Mr. Yang, Ms. Qin
Address: Building 3, Innovation Base of Chongqing Planning, Surveying and Mapping.
电 话:+86 186 9686 2671、+86 139 9630 4616
Tel: +86 186 9686 2671, +86 139 9630 4616
E-mail: 404963398@qq.com
❑ 其他说明 Others
(一)本次国际征集公告采用中英文对照格式,当中英文内容不一致时,以中文为准。征集公告与后续发出的征集书内容不一致时,以征集书为准。11.1 This solicitation announcement is in both Chinese and English version. The Chinese one shall prevail when any inconsistency occurs between Chinese version and English one and also the solicitation document shall prevail when any inconsistency occurs between the solicitation announcement and the subsequent solicitation document . (二)本次国际征集阶段时长约55天,深化整合阶段时长根据项目进度确定。11.2 The duration period of the solicitation phase will last about 55 days, and the one for the deepening will depend on the progress of the project.(三)主办单位的日程安排时间均以中国北京时间为准。受疫情影响,主办单位可对具体时间节点和会议形式作适时调整,并及时通知设计机构。11.3 The schedule above is based on Beijing time. Given the covid-19 pandemic, the organizer will not organize group survey. Instead, you can arrange the site survey by yourself and the organizer can make adjustments to the specific date and meeting form of each stage. If any change, we will inform you in time. (四)获得正式邀请函的设计机构主创建筑师与主要设计人员须亲自参与现场踏勘、方案评审、深化阶段主要会议的交流与汇报。请设计机构根据各地区疫情防控要求提前作好相应准备。11.4 The chief architect and main designers who obtain the official invitation must participate in the whole process in person including the on-site survey, plan review, and exchanges and reports at meetings of the deepening stage. Design agencies are requested to make preparations in advance according to requirements of different places for prevention and control of the covid-19 pandemic. (五)凡报名参加本次活动的设计机构,均被视为同意并接受本次活动规则以及各阶段相应的文件及其补充(修改)文件和澄清文件之全部内容及条款。11.5 Design agencies that sign up are deemed to have agreed and accepted the rules of this event, all content and terms of corresponding documents at each stage and of their supplementary (modified) documents and clarification documents. (六)应征设计机构联合体需保证所有报名材料真实、合法和有效,并承担相关法律责任。 11.6 The consortium shall ensure that all application materials are true, legal and valid, and shall bear relevant legal responsibilities. (七)各申请人参加本次活动产生的一切费用均自理。 11.7 All the expenses to participate in this event shall be borne by applicants themselves.(八)活动解释权:因对本次活动规则的有不同理解,本次活动的主办单位享有解释权。11.8 The right of interpretation: if there are different understandings of the rules of this event, the organizing units have the right of interpretation.
关于本次活动具体要求详见:Specific requirements: 附件1—征集报名表Annex 1—Application Form附件2—商业登记/营业执照、资质证书复印件/扫描件(加盖公章)Annex 2—Copy/scanned copy of business registration/business license and qualification certificate (with official seal) 附件3—联合体协议书(如有)Annex 3—Consortium Agreement (if any) 附件4—法定代表人授权委托书Annex 4— Power of Attorney for the Legal Representative附件5—报名材料模板.PPT(仅需提供电子版)Annex 5—Application Materials.PPT (Only electronic version)
