This Urban Renewal Special Planning Project of Mianxing Road has a global solicitation of conceptual plans. According to the work arrangement, it is sponsored by the Mianyang Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee, with Mianyang Transportation Development Group Co., Ltd. as the solicitor; Sichuan Jiuxing Engineering Management Co., Ltd. as the solicitation agencies, hereby inviting the applicants who meet the requirements of this solicitation and have a global perspective to participate in this project.
Ⅰ.Project Overview
1.Project name: Mianxing Road Urban Renewal Special Planning Project
2.Project location: Mianxing Road, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province
3.Project scope: The total length of Mianxing Road is about 10.5km, and please refer to the attached picture for details of the surrounding area.
4.Content of project solicitation and service requirements (Please refer to the design task book for details).
4.1 征集内容
4.1 Content of project solicitation
4.1.1 开展总体规划设计研究。重点对绵兴路10.5公里周边约9.45平方公里范围内生态、文态、业态、空间形态、交通组织等进行分析研究提出解决策略。
4.1.1 Carry out the research on overall planning and design. Focus on analyzing and researching the ecology, culture, business, space, and transportation organization within a range of about 9.45 square kilometers around 10.5 kilometers of Mianxing Road and put forward the solutions.
4.1.2 开展重要节点景观设计。重点对绵阳南收费站、普明立交桥、火炬广场、双碑立交桥、永兴场镇等重要节点约3.16平方公里内道路景观提升、漫游体系、景观水面、雕塑等提升提出解决思路。
4.1.2 Conduct the landscape design of important nodes. It focuses on the improvement of road landscape, roaming system, landscape water surface, sculptures, and other important nodes within about 3.16 square kilometers such as Mianyang South Toll Station, Puming Overpass, Torch Square, Shuangbei Overpass, and Yongxingchang Town.
4.1.3 开展绵兴路沿线城市设计。按照“留改拆”方式,重点对绵兴路沿线两边各150米范围约3.3平方公里,“四态”合一整体打造、景观提升、U型空间管控、保留建筑风貌提升、标识标牌、城市小品等内容进行研究,提出解决策略。
4.1.3 Conduct the urban design of the cities along Mianxing Road. According to the method of "retention, reconstruction and demolition", our focus is on the Mianxing Road along the two sides of the 150-meter range of about 3.3 square kilometers. "Four states" in one overall construction, landscape improvement, U-shaped space management and control, preservation of architectural style and enhancement, signage, urban sketches as well as other contents are studied, and solutions are proposed.
4.2 服务要求
4.2 Service requirements
4.2.1 展示绵兴路10.5公里周边约9.45平方公里范围内生态、文态、业态、空间形态、交通组织等研究成果。
4.2.1 Display the research results of ecology, culture, business, space, and transportation within a range of about 9.45 square kilometers around 10.5 kilometers of Mianxing Road.
4.2.2 展示绵阳南收费站、普明立交桥、火炬广场、双碑立交桥研究成果。
4.2.2 Display the research results of Mianyang South Toll Station, Puming Overpass, Torch Square, and Shuangbei Overpass.
4.2.3 展示绵阳南收费站节点研究范围边界向东延伸500米及普明立交节点研究范围边界向东西两边各延伸500米的绵兴路段沿线更新城市设计内容成果。
4.2.3 Display the updated urban design results along the "Mianxing Road" section, where the boundary of the research range of the Mianyang South Toll Station node extends 500 meters to the east and the boundary of the research range of the Puming Interchange node extends 500 meters to the east and west sides.
4.2.4 鼓励各参赛单位可根据自身成果展示需要,自行扩大研究展示范围。
4.2.4 All participating units are encouraged to expand the scope of their research presentation according to their needs of showing their own achievements.
Ⅱ.Qualification Requirements for Applicants
1.Qualification Requirements
The following qualification requirements should be met upon signing up:
1.1 中国境内应征人须满足以下资格要求:
1.1 Applicants within the territory of the People’s Republic of China should meet the following qualification requirements:
1.1.1 具有独立法人资格且在有效期内的营业执照。
1.1.1 A business license that is within the validity period and holds qualified independent legal entity
1.1.2 The planning unit must hold a Class-A qualification in urban and rural planning issued by administrative departments and a special Class-B qualification for landscape architecture engineering design.
1.1.3 If the applicant is the same person as the legal representative, or if there is any shareholding or subordinate relationships between organizations, these parties cannot sign up for the application at the same time.
1.2 Applicants outside China should meet the following qualification requirements:
1.2.1 Applicants shall hold legally registered business licenses that are within the validity period.
1.2.2 Holds practice licenses or relevant qualifications in urban and rural planning issued by the corresponding countries or regions.
1.2.3 If the head of the unit is the same person as the legal representative, or if there is any shareholding or subordinate relationships between organizations, these parties cannot sign up for the application at the same time.
2. Relevant achievements requirements:
2.1类似业绩:2019年1月1日以来, 应征人应具有至少1个不低于1平方公里规划类似业绩(含单独规划或策规一体类似业绩,拟负责规划部分的应征人须提供中选通知书或合同协议书或其他合法真实有效的书面证明材料)。
2.1 Relevant achievements: applicants need to have at least one relevant achievement in planning an area that is no less than 1 square kilometer since January 1st, 2019 (including achievements in planning alone or planning-constructing combined achievements and the applicant who is in charge of mapping out the plan should provide the notice of selection, contracts, or other supporting documentation in written form).
2.2 主创项目负责人类似业绩要求:2019年1月1日以来,主创项目负责人具有至少1个不低于1平方公里策划或规划或策规一体类似业绩(需提供中选通知书或合同协议书或其他合法真实有效的书面证明材料)。
2.2 Relevant achievement requirements for the main project leader: applicants need to have at least one relevant achievement in planning an area that is no less than 1 square kilometer since January 1st, 2019, including achievements in planning or constructing or planning-constructing combined achievements (notice of selection, contracts, or other supporting documentation in written form that is legal, authentic and valid needs to be provided).
2.3 设计团队要求:拟投入团队须包含但不限于规划、建筑、景观、市政、交通等领域专业人员。
2.3 Design team requirements: The proposed investment team must include but not limited to the professionals in the fields of planning, architecture, landscape, municipal administration, and transportation.
Ⅲ.Ways to Participate
1. Applicants who meet the requirements can participate as an independent unit or consortium. When applying as a consortium, applicants should provide consortium agreements, and there can be at most three members (including the lead unit) in a consortium; all member units forming the consortium shall not participate in the solicitation alone in their own name, nor can they join other consortia in this project.
2.When applying as a consortium, the lead unit should provide proof of relevant achievements.
3.For independent applicants from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan or outside China who do not possess Grade-A qualifications for urban and rural planning and a special Grade-B qualification for landscape architecture engineering design, they shall, after being selected, cooperate with a constructing agency with Grade-A qualifications for urban and rural planning and a special Grade-B qualification for landscape architecture engineering design to complete the follow-up scheme optimization work.
Ⅳ.Sign-Up Methods
1.Time for the registration period in this solicitation activity is: April 29th, 2022 to May 8th, 2022 9:00 to 12:00, 13:30 to 17:00 (Beijing Time).
2.Applicants interested in participating in this solicitation activity may choose either an online or on-site sign-up method to participate.
2.1 网络报名方式
2.1 Online Sign-Up Method
Applicants should fill out the complete sign-up form, application documents and other sign-up documents, with signature and seal, and send these documents in PDF forms (content should be clear and readable) to the designated email: 2792180833@qq.com. Materials that are not submitted before the scheduled deadline (subject to the email receiving time of the designated emailing system) will not be accepted. Applicants shall bear full responsibility for the potential risk if sign-up documents do not arrive on time caused by any accidents that happened during the email sending process.
2.2 现场报名方式
2.2 On-Site Sign-Up Method
Applicants should fill out the complete sign-up form, application documents and other sign-up documents and deliver the hard copies to Sichuan Jiuxing Engineering Management Co., Ltd. (3rd Floor, Sichuan Jiuxing, No. 5 Techonology Road, Mianyang City) before the sign-up deadline. Documents not submitted at the specified time and place will not be accepted.
2.3 报名需提供的资料:
2.3Documents that need to be provided for application:
The registration materials are the pre-qualification application materials
2.3.1 授权委托书或单位介绍信;
2.3.1 Power of attorney or recommendation letter from the organization
2.3.2 经办人身份证明;
2.3.2 Operators' proof of identification
2.3.3 三证合一营业执照或合法营业证明文件;
2.3.3 Three-in-one business license or legal business operation certificate
2.3.4 资质(资格)证书或执业许可;
2.3.4 Qualification (eligibility) certificate or business license
2.3.5 联合体协议书(如有);
2.3.5 Consortium agreement (if any)
2.3.6 保密承诺函(以征集人提供格式为准,应征人需按要求完善信息并签章后视为有效)。以上第2.3.1、2.3.3、2.3.4项资料收签章的复印件,第2.3.1、2.3.5、2.3.6项收原件。
2.3.6 Commitment letter of confidentiality (subject to the format provided by the solicitor, and the letter shall be deemed valid when the applicant completes the required information with signature and seal). The documents of 2.3.1、2.3.3、2.3.4 listed above need copies of their signatures and seals to be accepted, and the documents of 2.3.1、2.3.5、2.3.6 need original documents to be accepted.
2.3.7 申请人近3年(2019年1月1日以来)类似项目证明文件(详见附件2),并提供以下证明材料:
2.3.7 The applicant's supporting documents for similar projects in the past 3 years (since January 1, 2019) (see Attachment 2 for details), and provide the following supporting documents:
①A copy of the winning bid (optional) notice or design contract or other certification documents (such as those provided by the sponsor) (relevant certificates can be attached if the award is awarded);
①Relevant photos or renderings of the design work;
2.3.8 本项目设计负责人(主创项目负责人)及设计团队情况介绍(详见附件3),需提供:设计负责人及设计团队人员简介、个人职业资质证明文件及主创项目负责人类似业绩证明;
2.3.8 The introduction of the design director (main project leader) and the design team of this project (see Annex 3 for details), it is necessary to provide: a brief introduction of the design leader and design team personnel, personal professional qualification certificates, and similar achievements of the main project leader prove;
2.4 If the materials needed for acquiring prequalification review documents for shortlisted units is not in Chinese, a Chinese translation must be provided.
2.5 After passing the prequalification review and getting the shortlisted qualification, applicants cannot transfer or make changes to their eligibility.
Ⅴ. Solicitation Procedures
1.Based on principles of openness, fairness, and honesty, the solicitor is conducting a public solicitation that looks for planning-constructing integrated conceptual schemes from both inside and outside China. The proposal solicitation is divided into three stages. The first stage is the prequalification review for shortlisted units; the second stage is the preliminary proposal review; the third stage is the final proposal review.
1.1prequalification review for shortlisted units
Qualified registration institutions can be regarded as the shortlisted institutions, which can enter the second stage (conceptual proposal solicitation), and at the same time “the Global Solicitation Announcement for Planning-Constructing Integrated Conceptual Schemes of Mianxing Road Urban Renewal Special Planning Project” should be provided.
1.2 preliminary proposal review
The shortlisted design agencies need to submit the conceptual proposal outcome documents in accordance with relevant regulations and mission statement requirements. The organizer and the solicitor will set up a conceptual scheme review committee to review the conceptual scheme results submitted by the shortlisted design agencies, and select the first, second and third prizes. The winners who have won the first prize need to integrate the proposals of other award-winning units, integrate, optimize and improve the conceptual proposal in combination with the review opinions and the opinions of the competent department, and form the final conceptual proposal and pass the review of the competent department.
Ⅵ.Solicitation Fee
The calculating unit for the solicitation fee is calculated in RMB; the top one organization(applicant) shall receive 1.2 million RMB for their selected proposal; second place shall receive a compensation fee of 0.5 million RMB; third place shall receive a compensation fee of 0.3 million RMB; The units that won the rest of the rankings have no bonus, and the bonus for the top one of 1.2 million RMB includes the cost of conceptual scheme optimization and improvement. Applicants shall bear the full legal liabilities if the planning-constructing integrated conceptual proposals involve plagiarism, duplication, or infringement on others’ intellectual property.
Ⅶ.Submission deadline for solicitation prequalification review
Submission deadline for solicitation prequalification: 9th, May 2022. Announcement time of prequalification results (release time of solicitation documents): From May 10, 2022.
Ⅷ. Medium of Announcement
This announcement is released simultaneously on the website of "China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform" (http://www.cebpubservice.com/) and Mianyang Transportation Development Group Co., Ltd. (http://www.myjfjt.com/). Amendments and supplements to this announcement are subject to the content published on the above websites.
Ⅸ.Intellectual Property
1.The right of ownership (including intellectual property) and other legal rights of the information, software, resulting and progressive documents and other relevant materials provided by applicants belong to the solicitor. Without permission from the solicitor in written form, applicants shall not use the fore-mentioned information, software, and other materials unauthorized; otherwise, applicants shall bear full liabilities that come with it and compensate the resulting losses incurred by the solicitor.
2.The Right of ownership (including intellectual property) and other legal rights of the information, software, resulting and progressive documents and other relevant materials provided by applicants belong to the solicitor. Without permission from the solicitor in written form, applicants shall not use the fore-mentioned information, software, and other materials unauthorized; otherwise, applicants shall bear full liabilities that come with it and compensate the resulting losses incurred by the solicitor.
3.The authorization right of all the resulting documents that participate in this solicitation activity belong to applicants, but all the resulting documents after evaluation will not be returned to applicants. Applicants shall not use the proposals for other projects outside of this project.
4.Right of ownership and intellectual property of proposals from shortlisted applicants belong to the solicitor. Shortlisted applicants are entitled to the authorization right of the proposals.
5.The solicitor has the right to use all the resulting documents for evaluating, displaying freely, and publicizing the consultation results through media, specialist magazines, books and other forms at the end of the review process and after announcing review results.
Solicitor: Mianyang Transportation Development Group Co., Ltd.
Contact: 0816-2177357
Bidding agency: Sichuan Jiuxing Engineering Management Co., Ltd.
联系方式:13340907333 0816-6079776
Contact number: 13340907333 0816-6079776
