设计宇宙大奖Designverse Awards 2023-2024报名通道全球开放
设计宇宙大奖Designverse Awards IP页面,了解详情。
Click on"Read More"at the end of the article,visiting Designverse Awards IP page on designverse platform to learn more.
01大奖概述Awards Overview
02终审评委团Final Review Judging Panel
03评奖流程Awards Process
04奖项设置&参评类别Awards Setting&Entry Categories
05参评时间表Awards Schedule
06参评要求Entry Requirements
08获奖权益Awards Benefits
09知识产权声明Intellectual Property Statement
10设奖机构Awards Institutions
11联系我们Contact Us
设计宇宙大奖(Designverse Awards)旨在表彰对大设计产业链做出卓越贡献的设计机构、品牌/企业和极具影响力的大事件。该奖项是一个链接设计资源类机构和开发类机构的奖项平台,为开发类机构精准锁定设计细分领域的设计资源池,同时助力设计资源类机构,通过奖项平台依托的大数据及数据监测、搜索排名、资源链接、品牌推广的独特功能,全面观照自身在设计行业的位置,提升创新力和设计力,并通过奖项平台的宣传及推广服务来夯实自身的品牌建设。
Designverse Awards aims to recognize outstanding contributions made by design agencies,brands/enterprises,and influential events in the broader design industry.This award serves as a platform that connects design resource agencies with development agencies,providing access to a pool of design resources for the latter while supporting the former.The platform offers unique features such as big data and data monitoring,search ranking,resource linking,and brand promotion.These functions enable design resource agencies to comprehensively evaluate their positions in the industry and improve their innovation and design capabilities.Additionally,utilizing the publicity and promotional services provided by this award platform can enhance these agencies'own brand building endeavors.
*Design resource agencies:including scheme design,technical consultants,professional consultants,specialized consultants,operation consultants,etc.
*Development agencies:such as government,government development platforms,developers,brand owners from various industries,high quality private owners,etc.
Click by the link to learn about the orientation,features,values and background of Designverse Awards.
The final review judging panel is composed of 36 industry leaders who have a specific understanding of the design industry ecosystem,accumulated experience in collaboration,and sound judgment,as well as specialized jurors with international perspectives and extensive experience leading renowned works.Together,they will collectively select the"Designverse Awards Jury Grand Prize"in various sub-categories under space,product,and brands/major events categories.From these selections,the"Designverse Awards Outstanding Prize"will be determined,including six Outstanding Prize in space category(architecture,landscape,interiors,technical consultants,professional consultants,and specialized consultants),four Outstanding Prize in product category(residential,office,social and leisure,transportation),and two Outstanding Prize for annual major events.The final jury member also has the right to recommend two participating agencies directly shortlisted for Nomination Prize and set Special Jury Single Prize.
The order of final jury member is sequenced according to the alphabet sequence of each one's family name.
Click by the link to the detailed information of final review judging panel.
The evaluation process for the Designverse Awards consists of two stages:preliminary review and final review.
评奖机制Evaluation System
The[Designverse Awards Nomination Prize]and[Designverse Awards Special Honor Prize]are selected based on statistics and analysis of big data that permeate the entire industry and search rankings.
*The search ranking of design resources within the designverse platform is an important basis for award evaluation.
*The ranking of space category(architecture,landscape,interior)on the Designverse Ranking is an important basis for award evaluation.
*Brands/Major Events refers to the IP ranking on the designverse platform as an important basis for award evaluation.
评奖机制Evaluation System
The final review judging panel selects the[Designverse Awards Jury Grand Prize]and[Designverse Awards Outstanding Prize].
Click by the link to learn about the awards setting,evaluation system and awards process in detail.