“WCM世界校园大师”的全称是“World Campus Masters世界校园大师设计作品优选计划”,由Young Bird Plan嫩鸟计划出品,2019年启动,由「WCM世界校园大师优秀课程作品展」和「WCM世界校园大师课程作品年度优选」两部分构成,以鼓励全球青年学子分享并参评在校期间设计作品为宗旨,展现不同地域与文化背景下的当代设计新兴力量,旨在推进校园设计原创思维与全球大设计产业的当下发展进行对话,将青年人才与世界最前沿和影响力企业、设计平台、产业链及设计生态圈相连接。
World Campus Masters Selective Design Program(short for"WCM")was launched by Young Bird Plan in 2019.This program,composed by two parts-"World Campus Masters Excellent Course Works Exhibition"and"World Campus Masters Annual Course Works Selection",is committed to recognizing the fresh blood of contemporary design through evaluating course works and graduation designs from global young students and designers in different regions and cultures.It encourages original design thinking in campus to conduct a positive dialogue with the global design industry,bringing young talents to the world's influential design platform,enterprises and industry chainas well as the cutting-edge design ecosystem.
Part 1:「WCM世界校园大师优秀课程作品展」/"World Campus Masters Excellent Course Works Exhibition"
In 2023,"World Campus Masters"collaborates closely with top design institutions worldwide to create the"World Campus Masters Excellent Course Works Exhibition."We welcome more mentors of design institutions to pay attention to and use the platform to record their teaching achievements.We hope that all young designers and artists on the platform can learn about the learning experiences and practical abilities of their peers through sharing and other means.
Young Bird Plan已经启动邀请来自全球24所顶级设计院校的重要课程负责导师带领学生组参与“WCM世界校园大师线上展览”。国内16所院校来自清华大学、同济大学、天津大学、重庆大学、东南大学、哈尔滨工业大学、华南理工大学、西安建筑科技大学、浙江大学、湖南大学、沈阳建筑大学、大连理工大学、深圳大学、华中科技大学、上海交通大学、南京理工大学);国际8所来自哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工学院、代尔夫特理工大学、苏黎世联邦理工学院、加州大学伯克利分校、宾夕法尼亚大学、新加坡国立大学,课程作品即将陆续登陆中....
Young Bird Plan has launched and invited mentors worldwide,from 24 top design institutions,with their important courses and students groups,to participate in the World Campus Masters Online Exhibition.These design institutions include 16 domestic ones,i.e.Tsinghua University,Tongji University,Tianjin University,Chongqing University,Southeast University,Harbin Institute of Technology,South China University of Technology,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology,Zhejiang University,Hunan University,Shenyang Jianzhu University,Dalian University of Technology,Shenzhen University,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology,as well as 8 international ones,i.e.Harvard University,Yale University,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Delft University of Technology,ETH Zurich,University of California,Berkeley,University of Pennsylvania and National University of Singapore.And course works will be displayed soon...
Part 2:「WCM世界校园大师课程作品年度优选」/"World Campus Masters Annual Course Works Selection"
1、第四届“WCM世界校园大师”设计&艺术专业分类奖项池(部分)/The 4th"World Campus Masters"Design&Art Categories Award Pool(Partial)
The 4th WCM–Architectural Design Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Interior Design Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Landscape Design Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Urban Design Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Industrial Design Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Graphic Design Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Fashion Design Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Visual Communication Design Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Art and Technology Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Digital Media Art Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Material Innovative Application Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Public Art Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–UI Design Category-Champion&TOP 3
The 4th WCM–Service Design Category-Champion&TOP 3
……不限更多类别/More categories without restrictions
The 2nd World Campus Masters Annual Category Champion,Top 3,Corporate-tailored Award Announced!2021-2022
The 3rd World Campus Masters Annual Category Champion,Top 3,Corporate-tailored Award Announced!2022-2023
2、第四届“WCM世界校园大师”学院类奖项池/The 4th"World Campus Masters"Design Institutions Award Pool:
The 4th WCM–The Most Influential Design Institution Award
The 4th WCM–The Most Influential Dean Award
The 4th WCM–The Most Forward-Looking Brand Course Setting Mentor Group Award
The 4th WCM–The Best Design/Art Course Setting Mentor Group Award
The 4th WCM–Innovative Organization Design Institution Award
3、企业自定义奖项/Corporate-tailored Award
“WCM世界校园大师”设有企业设置自定义奖项的特殊机制,全球所有企业、机构皆可自定义设立年度特别奖项,自定义奖项设立方案由企业与Young Bird Plan竞赛组委会共同制定,并在designverse官网竞赛命题内实时更新和发布,发布时间为2023年6月~10月。
"World Campus Masters"has a special mechanism for enterprises to customize awards.All global enterprises and organizations can establish annual special awards according to their preferences.The scheme for establishing customized awards is jointly developed by enterprises and Young Bird Plan Competition Committee.It will be updated and announced in real-time within the competition brief on the designverse official website,from June to October 2023.
All participants in the"World Campus Masters Excellent Course Works Exhibition"have opportunities to participate in the awards.
1.It is free of charge and open to all global participants of any major related to design or art,including students,undergraduates,post-graduates and doctors as well as designers who shall graduate within 5 calendar years(2019-2023).Both individuals and teams can participate in the WCM and the submitted works include but not limit to your course works and the completed graduation design works.
2.Team entries should be designed by the actual participants of the design work.There is no limit on the number of participants in each group.Only one work is allowed to submit for each group.
3.All team members are required to register on designverse website(www.designverse.com.cn).For common questions,please visit Q&A on our website.If you have any questions,you can add the WeChat:youngbirdplan for consultation.
1.Register as a user of the designverse and then fill out the information table for competition participation;
2.Log into personal center to submit your design work.
The evaluation work of the WCM in 2023 is divided into two stages-the initial evaluation stage and the final evaluation stage:
初审评定阶段/Initial Evaluation Stage:
由SUPER NOVA评委团评分选出来自全球建筑、城市、景观、室内、产品、平面、时尚、UI、视觉传达、艺术与科技、数字媒体艺术、公共艺术、材料创新应用等专业组成的第四届“WCM世界校园大师”所有设计、艺术专业分类奖项并给予评语。
The Super Nova Jury will select the winning works for the 4th WCM Category Award globally in all classified fields separately,including but not limit to architecture,urban design,landscape,interior,industrial design,graphic,fashion,UI,visual communication,art and technology,digital media art,public art and material innovative application as well as give them comments accordingly.
终审评定阶段/Final Evaluation Stage:
由终审评委团将从SUPER NOVA评审团评审出的获奖作品中选出所有设计、艺术类专业分类作品的各分类冠军。
The Final Judging Panel will select the Champion for all classified fields separately on the basis of all the winning works chosen by the Super Nova Jury.
终审评委团/Final Judging Panel:
The Final JudgingPanel consists of deans and professors from 12 top global design institutions.They will select works that best fit contemporary design development trends,future industrial development potential,and the inheritance of historical cultural context,based on their profound academic expertise,forward-thinking ecological thinking,and sensitive industry foresight.The Final Judging Panel has the authority to add evaluation criteria,nominate and select candidates for design institutions awards,and choose the final designs of pavilions from participating design institutions for implementation at the"Moganshan Summer Pavilion Design Festival".
The order of final jury member is sequenced by the alphabet sequence of each one's family name.
SUPER NOVA评委团/Super Nova Jury:
SUPER NOVA评委团由9家设计机构的80后创始人组成将就设计作品的前瞻性和对当前及未来挑战的应对性进行评分,优选最符合当代年轻人气质和想法的设计作品。
The Super Nova Jury is comprised of the Generation Y founders of nine design agencies.They will evaluate works,based on their perspectiveness and response to current and future challenges,and select the design that best fits the temperament and ideas of contemporary youngsters.
The Champion of WCM Design&Art Category Award in 2023 will be selected separately from all classified design majors,with each category as a group,and there is no limit on category and group gain:RMB 1,600(before tax)+Award certificate
Top 3 of WCM in 2023 will be selected separately from all classified design majors and will gain:RMB 1,000(before tax)+Award certificate
The winning works stated above include the Champion&TOP 3 for each Design&Art Category Award,and have opportunities to be awarded the Corporate-tailored Award.
The shortlists of the WCM will gain:Shortlist certificate.
-The plan needs to be fully presented on up to 12 A2 drawings of longitudinal layout,with 300dpi and readable labels(8 mm margin),and within 10M.The unified format for submission is JPG,and each drawing size does not exceed 10MB.
-The registration number must be marked in the upper right corner of the drawing.Its required font is Arial and the font size is 20.You should name your submission according to the design category,such as architecture,landscape,urban,industrial,art,graphic,etc.The naming format of the drawings follows the rule of“registration number-design category-01/02/03/04...".
-Language used in Work Introduction:Bilingual languages(Chinese-English)or English only.
-The language used in drawings:Bilingual languages(Chinese-English)or English is the best,and the native language of the participants is also accepted,but the key parts are recommended to be marked in English.
-Do not disclose personal information,including name,university,etc.,in all drawings,descriptive text and captions.Anyone who discloses personal information will be disqualified.
-The model or the real object can be displayed through photos,and its uploading requirements are consistent with that of the proposal.They shall be uploaded after the proposal.
-The cover of the work needs to be uploaded.The cover is a single rendering of the work,and the size is 1045×654px,72dpi,within 2MB.
-For design works of majors,such as Art and Technology,Digital Media Art,which need videos and animations,the file size shall not exceed 100MB,with a duration of no more than 2 minutes.Please upload the video to a video website,such as Tencent,YouTube,Vimeo,and paste your video website on the submission frame of the organizer.
Registration:from August 2,2023 00:00 to February 28,2024 24:00
Submission:from August 2,2023 00:00 to February 28,2024 24:00
Announcement of shortlists:March 10,2024
Announcement of Top 3 and Champion of the 4th WCM Design/Art Category Award:April 1,2024
Announcement of Top 3 and Champion of WCM Corporate-tailored Award:(TBC)
Note:GMT+8 time zone for all dates.In case of public holidays,it is appropriately postponed.See the official website for details.
In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the State,all participants who take the initiative to participate in this competition are deemed to have made the following irrevocable declaration regarding the copyright ownership of their submitted works:
1.Original statement
The submitted work must be an original work of the entrant and must not infringe any patent rights,copyrights,trademarks and other legal intellectual property rights of any third party.Once the non-original work is verified,the organizer has the right to immediately disqualify related entrant from the competition,being shortlisted,and receiving funding and take back thesubsidy funds and materials.In addition,the organizer still has the right to reserve the right to pursue legal liability in case of economic loss as a result of his or her dishonesty.For example,if the organizer is sued or has other losses for this reason,the organizer has the right to claim full compensation from the entrant.If the organizer has paid in advance,it has the right to recover all direct and indirect losses from the entrant(including and not limited to attorney fees,legal fees,preservation fees,appraisal fees,notarization fees,etc.).
2.Agree to the statement
This competition adopts online-voting method.By submitting works,the entrant agrees to authorize the organizer to showcase the works for all individuals,either with attribution or anonymously,for the purpose of hosting the competition,as well as agrees to the evaluation method of the competition.Before submitting works,the entrant have carefully read all the terms and fully understand and agree.The jury of this competition has the final decision on the results of all the winning works.
The final interpretation right of this optimization plan belongs to the organizer.